North Yorkshire Local Access Forum


22 May 2024


Updates from Sub-Groups & Individual Members


Report of the Secretary







Purpose of the Report


An opportunity for LAF members to update the Forum on their LAF representative project activity since the last meeting.



2.0    Background


2.1    The LAF operates an agreed list of nominated representatives willing to act as the first point of liaison with the old District/Borough Council planning teams. Individual LAF members are also nominated from time to time to take a lead on specific projects that the LAF has an interest in or in representing the LAF on other partnership bodies.  Both are represented in the table below:




Will Scarlett

Craven District

Rachel Connelly

Hambleton District

Richmondshire District



Roma Haigh

Ryedale District 


NYC - Councillor David Jeffels

Scarborough District

Regional Access Forum

Naomi Guthrie

Selby District

David Lepper

Protected Landscapes




Harrogate District


3.0      Liaison Updates


3.1    This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Forum to be updated on any such activity since the previous meeting.


3.2      There has been one written update provided by an individual Forum member, which can be seen at Appendix 1.  Other Members are asked to provide verbal updates at this meeting.


3.2      The Forum are also asked to consider allocating some of the areas shown as vacant in the table above, to individual Form members.


4.0      Sub-Group Updates


4.1      It was agreed that the Planning sub-group would continue its work to help inform the service review, and an update report can be seen at Appendix 2. 


4.2      The sub-group set up to review the LAF Terms of Reference have produced a document with recommendations and these can be seen at agenda item 9.







That the Forum: 

i)       Considers and notes the written and verbal updates provided at the meeting and agrees any further actions required



Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)


County Hall


Report Author: Dawn Drury, Secretary to North Yorkshire Local Access Forum